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Monday, September 20, 2010

The Constant Critter Battle

Yesterday morning I went out to survey the garden.  Some fairly large animal had dug up the lettuce seeds I had planted in one portion of my raised bed.  Leaving the other portions alone.  I was annoyed, smoothed out the holes, planted more seed, and headed out to the big box store for a repellent.  I bought the stuff the man (who probably never grew anything in his life) said was the best.  It is made of really yucky ingredients - dried blood, urine, garlic juice....that kind of stuff.  This morning I checked again and the mess was even worse.  I think the repellent just made the creature mad.  It certainly did not do any good.  Huge holes are now present where my tiny lettuce seeds were planted.  Don't know what I am going to do next.

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