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Friday, September 24, 2010

The Beginning of Fall

Eggplant are still blooming and producing

Butternut squash are up and growing

The Autumn Sage is in its glory

Sweet potato bed is coming along

Cucumber experiment for this fall is looking good

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Constant Critter Battle

Yesterday morning I went out to survey the garden.  Some fairly large animal had dug up the lettuce seeds I had planted in one portion of my raised bed.  Leaving the other portions alone.  I was annoyed, smoothed out the holes, planted more seed, and headed out to the big box store for a repellent.  I bought the stuff the man (who probably never grew anything in his life) said was the best.  It is made of really yucky ingredients - dried blood, urine, garlic juice....that kind of stuff.  This morning I checked again and the mess was even worse.  I think the repellent just made the creature mad.  It certainly did not do any good.  Huge holes are now present where my tiny lettuce seeds were planted.  Don't know what I am going to do next.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Fall planting

More sweet potatoes are in, with a different soil combination (the experiment continues), also spinach. butter crunch lettuce,cucumbers (Eureka and Moctezuma varieties), winter squash and sweetness hybrid II carrots.  I am way too late on tomatoes for the fall, but since I have a greenhouse I may try some anyway.  Some critter got into my lettuce seeds last night and made a royal mess.  Most likely it was looking for grubs and worms.  Not sure what it was, but from the size of the holes it was not small.  Could have been a coon.  Critters are just a part of gardening.  I'm thankful for every veggie I get.