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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Lemon Tree is Loaded

Don't know why, but our lemon tree has more lemons this year than ever.  I wonder if other folks are having the same experience.  Our tree has Meyer lemons, but also some branches grew out below the graft a long time ago and half of the tree is lemons from the root stock.  They are good, but the skin is thicker than the Meyer Lemons.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fall 2011

Tarragon is taking over the world.  Lemon Grass in the background

Cabbage is beautiful.  Small Stonehead variety in the foreground, with a traditional hybrid in back

Left to Righ: Majesty Red Letuce, Butter Crunch Bibb lettuce and Imperator carrots

Cauliflower and Kale to the right

Carrots on the left and Haikuri Turnips on the right...All desperately in need of many mosquitoes this year to keep up with it.

Overgrown tomato plants in need of care.  Not pretty.